Our Miniature French Bulldog Studs
Our studs are some of the finest and most well known Miniature French Bulldog studs in the world. We have an amazing track record of producing the healthiest and most magnificent offspring.

Hush Money is the first Isabella/Tan Miniature French Bulldog in the World. Hush is 18lbs and isabella/tan in color. This isabella stud does not lack anything! Bone, Head, and Type are impeccable. His phenotype is of the highest quality compared to any French Bulldog of any color. Hush is will be the most influential Miniature French Bulldog Stud of our lifetime. He has produced many "Hush Puppies". Hush Money's DNA is ata bb dd co/n and now open for public stud service. $4,000 stud fee. Overnight fresh chilled semen shipping available for $250 includes collection, box, and shipping expenses.

"Top Dollar" is the First Hypoallergenic French Bulldog in the World. Not only is he hypoallergenic, Top Dollar is the First "Fluffy Dominant" French Bulldog, which means he is capable of producing Fluffy French Bulldogs in one generation with any non-fluffy carrier female. He is blue fawn carrying tri & isabella chocolate w/ no brindle and piebald. This rare DNA will be able to produce Isabella Fluffy French Bulldogs and many more color combinations in fluffy. Top Dollar is now open for stud service. We are accepting $500 deposit to lock-in rate of $4,000 stud fee at the time. DNA: ayat dd bB F/n, no brindle, no piebald.